Trikonasana :
In this asana a Triangle - Trikona with the co-ordination of one hand, one leg and the trunk, hence the name is Trikonasana.
Basic Position : Standing in an attention position
1. As shown in position-1, put the left leg on the left side at a suitable distance, inhale and keep both the hands sideward parallel to the ground and in line with the shoulder. Keep the palms facing the toes of ground.
2. Exhale and touch the toes of left leg with the left hand fingers. Raise the right hand upward keeping the palm outward.
3. Turn the neck and try to see the straightened right hand.
4. Inhale and come in no-1 position.
5. Touch the right leg toes with right hand fingers as in count no-2.
6. Try to see left hand like count-3 and keep this position upto a suitable time.
7. As per count-1 position.
8. Holding this position for a while, come in the basic position in the reverse order.
Benefits :
1. Neck gets rest. The pains of shoulder and neck joints get raid off.
2. Spinal column, buttocks, hands and the fingers get good exercise.
3. Stomach gas and the fat is reduced.
4. Mental power increases. Advantageous for eye sight.
5. Advantageous in diabetes.
Points to keep in Mind :
1. It is advisable for a patient not to perform this asana.
2. Hold every position for 2 seconds.
3. If it is difficult to touch the toes of a leg, catch the portion lower than the knee as below as possible.
For more asanas;
- How to do Pavan Muktasana and Tadasana? - Click Here
- How to do Chandrasana and Shavasana? - Click Here
- How to do Vrukshasana and Pada Hastasana? - Click Here
- How to do Surya Namaskar? - Click Here
Dhanurasana :
In this asana, the shape of the body resembles like a bow (Dhanushya). While pulling the hands and legs, it becomes a string. So it is called a "Dhanurasana".
Basic Position : Sleeping on the chest position.
Method :
1. In the basic position, make the muscles loose and then bend both the legs from the knees and bring their heels on the buttocks.
2. Catch an ankle of a right leg with a right hand and an ankle of a left leg with a left hand. Raise the head upward from the neck.
3. While breathing deeply, stretch the legs with hands upward. Stretch the knees and the thighs from back side so that the head and the chest will raise upward.
4. Stretch the body like the string of a bow and rest the body on an abdomen. Hold this position for a suitable time. Slowly increase the holding time. Practice for 3 to 4 times at a time. After some time, come in the basic position in the reverse order.
Benefits :
1. It is very useful to remove constipation, indigestion and the stomach disease.
2. Spinal column becomes stronger and elastic. Sensory nerves get nutrition (naurishment). The pain of the waist gets removed.
3. Digestive power increases. Gas trouble gets rid off. Abdominal fat gets removed.
4. It is advantageous for diabetes patients.
5. This asana is very useful for women, because it removes the difficulties of a reproductive system and the irregularities of menses.
Points to keep in Mind :
1. Do this asana when stomach is empty.
2. After completing this asana, have relaxation while taking rest.
3. Pregnant women should not do this asana.
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