Cultural Heritage of India | Handicraft | Art of Weaving, Embroidery and Leather Industry

Art of  Weaving and Embroidery           Ancient India had a unique place in the fields of hand weaving, embroidery and knitting. It was said that the whole piece of cloth of a particular size (Taka) of fine muslin of Dhaka could easily pass through a ring and could be adjusted in a matchbox. Moreover 'Galicha' (carpet of several regions), knitting work on attires and artistry etc. occupied a prominent place. Amongst them are Patola of Patan (Gujarat), Bandhani of Rajasthan, kanjivaram saree and kashmiri cloth having 'Kasab' work .           During the golden period of Solanki era, Gujarat had progressed in this field. During the reign of Siddhraj Jaisingh many artisans (weavers) came and settled in Patan and made the town world famous, especially for its Patola. Some weavers of Patan were the best artists particularly of Patola of Patan. This art of Patan is more than 850 years old. Only a handful people have the skill for such a complicated and time consuming art o

What are the physical changes seen in boys and girls during adolescence? | Development | Emotions

Physical (General body) Growth and Development

        Adolescence is the most rapid growth and development period after the fatal life more period. First two years of adolescence witness more rapid growth and development than some the rest of adolescence period. Some differences in growth and development between boys and girls are observed. By and large one fourth of the total height are attained during adolescence period. The physical growth and development of boys and girls are shown below.






Starts two years earlier in comparison of boys i.e., 10 to 12 years.

Start two years later in comparison of girls i.e., 12 to 14 years.


Rapid increase in height and weight

Rapid increase in height and weight


High fat deposition especially on things and buttocks, gives a typical female shape

Body becomes more muscular because of high proteins deposition. Very low fat deposition so, buttocks are small in comparison.


Shoulder bones remain small and pelvic bone widen.

Shoulder bones widen and pelvic one remains small.


Voice remain high pitched i.e., shrill feminine voice

Voice becomes low pitched e.g., heavy male voice


Hair growth in armpits, around private region and inside the thighs. On rest of the place of body comparatively light hair.

Hair growth in armpits, around private region, inside the thighs, face, chest, arms and legs


Skin remains thin and smooth.

Skin becomes thick and rough, Stronger in comparison to female.


Acnes may appear.

Acnes may appear.

 Growth and Development of Reproductive Organs

        Till adolescence age, reproductive organs remain dormant. But during six to eight years of adolescence period they attain development from ten percent to total growth. The growth and development of reproductive organs are described below.





Breast bud’s appearance and they gradually develop into full size breast.

No similar change.


Reproductive organs increase in shape and size.

Reproductive organs increase in shape and size.


Skin around the reproductive organs becomes dark. (pigmented)

Skin around the reproductive organs becomes dark. (pigmented)


Ova mature in the ovaries and one ovum is released every month.

Sperm production starts in the testes. Crores of sperms are produced daily.


Menstruation sets in. i.e., menarche

No similar change.

Emotional Changes

        Emotion has no sex difference. Boys and girls experience same emotional changes during adolescence period. Under the influence of hormones emotions during this age period are very volatile. Emotions like anger, love, affection, shyness, worry, anxiety, depression, eagerness appear very quickly and disappear with the same place. Frequent fluctuations in emotions are seen.

Development of Sexuality

        Along with the growth and development of reproductive organs, because of the release of hormones sexual feelings and desires are also developed during adolescence. Adolescent boys or girls become conscious of the presence of opposite sex. He or she feels shy of her/his presence and try to escape away though attracted by her/him. He/she is attracted by the opposite sex. He/she is very curious to know their details about matters related to sex.
