Cultural Heritage of India | Handicraft | Art of Weaving, Embroidery and Leather Industry

Art of  Weaving and Embroidery           Ancient India had a unique place in the fields of hand weaving, embroidery and knitting. It was said that the whole piece of cloth of a particular size (Taka) of fine muslin of Dhaka could easily pass through a ring and could be adjusted in a matchbox. Moreover 'Galicha' (carpet of several regions), knitting work on attires and artistry etc. occupied a prominent place. Amongst them are Patola of Patan (Gujarat), Bandhani of Rajasthan, kanjivaram saree and kashmiri cloth having 'Kasab' work .           During the golden period of Solanki era, Gujarat had progressed in this field. During the reign of Siddhraj Jaisingh many artisans (weavers) came and settled in Patan and made the town world famous, especially for its Patola. Some weavers of Patan were the best artists particularly of Patola of Patan. This art of Patan is more than 850 years old. Only a handful people have the skill for such a complicated and time consuming art o

Karna - The King of Anga | Mahabharata | Character Analysis | Part-2

Note: This is the second part of Character Karna from Mahabharata. For part-1, please click the given link below

Karna - The King of Anga

         Karna wants to become a great Archer - He went to Parasurama and he knew Parasurama will not accept anybody if they are kshatriyas or anything he will accept only brahmanas so he wore a sacred thread a fake track and he went in his eagerness to learn he went and told Parasurama. Parasurama took him as a disciple and taught him everything Karna learned everything super-fast because of his natural skill and competence and pure. Guru was heavily pleased with his disciple he had not seen another disciple who learned things so fast he gave him everything that he knew and Parasurama had turned old he has lived through generations of people and in the afternoon. When they were training in the forest he felt tired and faint he said I want to lie down so, when the Guru went to lie down. Karna went sat down and gave him his lap and Parasurama put his head and curtain as laughs and napped in the afternoon in the forest a boring worm crawled up to curtain seat and started lying into this time, inside of his thigh where he could not put his hand and remove it unless he disturbed his gurus sleep. Parasurama was snapping an old man snoring and sleeping, but this worm kept bitting, into his time and he was in extraordinary pain. But he held on and he just sat because he did not want to disturb Parasurama asleep he simply sat there and he bleed the blood slowly touched Parasurama's ears and the dampness of it woke him up. When he woke up and he saw he was full of blood whose blood is this he asked. Karna said, it is my blood not yours it is me. What happened he saw there was a wide open all the boring worm had bored into his time I saw but this boy was just sitting there unknowing Parasurama looked at him and said you cannot be a brahmana because if you are a Brahmin, I would have screamed from mosquito bites; you would scream you must be accessory to take this kind of wound and not even more a little bit you must be except. Have you lied to me that you are not a brahmana he said please don't be angry with me. Yes, I am not a brahmana and Parasurama flew into your rage, you idiot you think, you can come here where a sacred thread falsely and deceive me into getting all this out of me and here is my curse. Karna begged please and not accepting me as a student, also I am a suta putra (Charioteer's child). I am not a brahmin, that's true it's only half a lie. Parasurama was not listening to any of these things the moment he saw the own he rightly presumed that he is a Kshatriya and he said you have deceived me; you will enjoy what I have taught you but when it really matters you will forget the mantras that, you need and that will be your end. Karna fell at his feet and begged please don't do this I am not accept this and I had no intention of deceiving you it is just that. I've been dying to learn and nobody is willing to teach me you are the only one who would allow a Non-Kshatriya to learn then Varga was a Parasurama's temperatures came down and he said okay but still you lied you shouldn't have lied you should have explained you should have debated with me you shouldn't have lied to me so, I cannot take back my curse, but I see your longing is not for archery your longing is not for kingdoms your longing is not for power your longing is just for glory and you shall have it people will always remember you as a glorious warrior. But you will neither have power nor Kingdom nor will you be known as the greatest Archer, but your glory will live for always because that's all your longing for so with this curse on him.

            Karna wanders on despondent happy that he's received all this happy with his own talent but where to find expression unless you're a Kshatriya you are not going to enter into your battle, you are not going to enter into a competition, you can shoot anything blind but, you can't show off because what you're seeking is glory and glory is still not possible for you despondent came and sad walk down sat on the seashore somewhere in the present state of Orissa. Somewhere near Konark. In this whole incident it shows that, karna was so fond of learning that he changed himself a brahman from suta putra (Charioteer's child) and obeys his Guru decision and karna never give up till he didn't find the way to learning.

What kind of choices do you make at different situations that are presented to you in your life are the choices springing from exclusiveness or inclusiveness or the choices springing from the needs of the body or the nature of the being or the choice is springing. Your individuality or the universal nature of life is of life the choice is just this that you can choose to become smaller or larger, one who functions as a larger being gets judged as a great being one who functions in-between becomes a good being one whose functions from the smallness of who he is becomes a bad being.

            Karna can't get into a contest, he wandered on and the pandavas and kauravas came to a graduation ceremony of their martial arts and they were having kind of a display not really a competition more a display. But it is done as a display to build confidence in the citizenry, the whole citizenry of Hastinapur is gathered and the young princes want to display their capabilities so that people feel confident they have young men, who will protect them people feel confident. They're  young man who will bring wealth and well-being to their nation but between the pandavas and kauravas, it is not a display, it's a competition of death within themselves so, the display started various things happened obviously be manager Bhima and Duryodhana fought till they were exhausted nobody able to beat each other everybody displayed that thing and the final event is Arjuna's event because his archery has gained magical dimensions; archery and occult was seriously matched in those times so, he uses occult weaponary and created mountains, he created Himalayas in the stadium people were awestruck that snow clad mountains stood up like this and disappeared. He created oceans, he created wind, he created desert, he created the forest, whatever they wanted out of occult powers he just created with this power and he just burrowed himself into the desert and came out of a mountain, he jumped into an ocean and came out of a cave like this, he displayed his art nobody else to match him and he was enjoying the attention and people were awestruck that somebody could do such magical things when all this was happening a golden warrior strolled into the stadium he's very demand and his bearing was such people held their breath and watched him. Okay, who is he is, this is a surprise and it was a surprise, because nobody knew who he is. Karna walked into the stadium. Karna is been dying to display his capabilities and there's no place for him, he said Arjuna when there is no competition being the winner doesn't mean anything you run your own hundred meters in your house and say I'm the champion I'm the champion. So, Karna said O Arjuna winning a competition, when there are no competitors, it is not a victory and without another word he started displaying his occult and archery and everything was way better than what Arjuna did his mountains were taller oceans were bigger wings, were stronger forests were thicker, everything his occult and his archery was way better than Arjuna. 

            When Duryodhana saw there is an archer for taking because Duryodhana is biggest concern is among his brothers, there is no Archer, he is confident one day, he will beat Bhima; he is confident many of his brothers will kill Nakula and Sahadeva, he is confident they can knock down yudhisthira one day, but he's only worried about Arjuna, because there is no Archer to match him when he saw colonel and his competence he immediately grabbed him he said when Karna came and he showed all this to Arjuna. "Who is he, whose son are you, how dare you walk into this competition", Bhima stood up and said, "whose son are you reveal this now a great Archer who is better than Arjuna suddenly shrank in confidence when they asked who is your father". Karna said my father is a devata and they said oh you're a suta putra and you have entered the stadium just leave this, This is for Kshatriyas then duryodhana saw the greatest opportunity in his life is sitting right in front of him and he is not going to let it pass by he said no way he stood up and pleaded on behalf of Karna to the king.
