Cultural Heritage of India | Handicraft | Art of Weaving, Embroidery and Leather Industry

Art of  Weaving and Embroidery           Ancient India had a unique place in the fields of hand weaving, embroidery and knitting. It was said that the whole piece of cloth of a particular size (Taka) of fine muslin of Dhaka could easily pass through a ring and could be adjusted in a matchbox. Moreover 'Galicha' (carpet of several regions), knitting work on attires and artistry etc. occupied a prominent place. Amongst them are Patola of Patan (Gujarat), Bandhani of Rajasthan, kanjivaram saree and kashmiri cloth having 'Kasab' work .           During the golden period of Solanki era, Gujarat had progressed in this field. During the reign of Siddhraj Jaisingh many artisans (weavers) came and settled in Patan and made the town world famous, especially for its Patola. Some weavers of Patan were the best artists particularly of Patola of Patan. This art of Patan is more than 850 years old. Only a handful people have the skill for such a complicated and time consuming art o

Karna - The King of Anga | Mahabharata | Character Analysis

Karna - The King of Anga

Human beings who get labelled, when we look back some people get labelled as good, some people as great, some people as bad, some people as evil. how does this happen there is no such thing as goodness and badness as such it is just that when crucial moments present themselves in front of us at that moment what kind of choices, we make us seem like either good or bad some will repeatedly make those kind of choices which are harmful to themselves and everybody around them some will make choices constantly being concerned about what will happen because of their choices this is all is the difference between.
When Kunti was just fourteen years of age she pleased Durvasa and he gave her the mantra that she can call any God that she wants. She just wanted to cry out, she went out and looked at the Sun was coming up gloriously and she said, I want the Sun God, the Sun God came and impregnated her and she bore a child and being an unwed mother of fourteen years of age. She did not know how to face the social situation, so she put this child in a wooden box and let him float in the river. She struggled with it but she's a woman with a certain sense of purpose, when the purpose is clear to her. She will do anything you will see as time goes her sense of purpose sits like cold liquid in her heart. She let this infant float away not knowing where he will go and not knowing where he went so this little infant floated away down the river a dirty charioteer in Britta Astra's palace was at the river and he saw this box a very ornamental looking box and he picked it up when he opened he saw this little infant and he was childless and he was so happy and he thought it's God's gift for him and he went and took it to his wife Radha both of them are overjoyed and overwhelmed.
Note: This is the First part of Character Karna from Mahabharata. For part-2, please click the given link below.
Looking at the nature of the box they knew this box cannot be from an ordinary home this is from Palace, some Queen or some King have left this baby and they do not know who but they're too glad they got this child and this child came and filled their childless life so they took this child and nurture him and they found certain strange qualities about him that is as an infant, he had earrings around his thin golden earrings and he had a kind of a natural Armor around his chest and a child looked like a phenomenal child, a child of destiny in many ways looked more than ordinary and they were too black to have this child and rather brought him up with at most laughs and added at our being a charioteer wanted to teach Karna, how to drive a chariot but, Karna’s heart raged to become an archer he came to Drona but Drona looked at him and said, "you are not a Kshatriya I cannot accept you here, this is a school for Kshatriyas" and by then he was being referred to as suitable trap, it's a narrow gate returned to say that somebody's lowing, so this name stuck to him that he is a suitable tree and it stung him every time, this was used it stung him so deeply that he became meaner this discrimination made this man who was a very harness tensed. Became extremely mean, because of constant usage of this one discriminatory and derogatory word that, when people went on repeating Suta putra (Charioteer's child) his meanness, the barometer of his meanness rise higher and higher and he exhibited such levels of meanness that, it was uncharacteristic of him so, he went because they were rejecting him because he's not Kshatriya, he went to Parasuraman, who is the greatest martial art teacher, here, martial arts means not only hand combat they were teaching every kind particularly archery.
