Cultural Heritage of India | Handicraft | Art of Weaving, Embroidery and Leather Industry

Art of  Weaving and Embroidery           Ancient India had a unique place in the fields of hand weaving, embroidery and knitting. It was said that the whole piece of cloth of a particular size (Taka) of fine muslin of Dhaka could easily pass through a ring and could be adjusted in a matchbox. Moreover 'Galicha' (carpet of several regions), knitting work on attires and artistry etc. occupied a prominent place. Amongst them are Patola of Patan (Gujarat), Bandhani of Rajasthan, kanjivaram saree and kashmiri cloth having 'Kasab' work .           During the golden period of Solanki era, Gujarat had progressed in this field. During the reign of Siddhraj Jaisingh many artisans (weavers) came and settled in Patan and made the town world famous, especially for its Patola. Some weavers of Patan were the best artists particularly of Patola of Patan. This art of Patan is more than 850 years old. Only a handful people have the skill for such a complicated and time consuming art o

What is colonialism? Which nations of Europe were involved in the colonial competition?

Rise and Growth of Colonialism

        This period is also known for the important scientific inventions that led to the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) in the whole of Europe. Major changes took place in the field of transportation. England became the pioneer of industrial revolution. England and other European nations required raw materials for the newly established industries. Markets were required for the sale of abundant production on account of Industrial Revolution. The competition that started among European nations to acquire new territories for this purpose is called colonialism. The Europeans tried to establish their supremacy over these newly conquered territories. India was also a victim of the colonization drive and became the most important colony of England.

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        Many nations of Asia like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and many African countries became victims of colonization like India. England's greed for colonization made her occupy even her neighboring countries like Belgium, Netherland and Luxemburg. When the European powers were tightening their grip over the Asian and African nations, many of the European nations which had become free, following the footsteps of England made many of the Afro-Asian nations their colonies. The condition of another Asian country-China was also similar. Taking advantage of the weakness of China, England as well as Germany, France, Belgium, Russia and Japan divided China into small region and exploited it to the maximum. After the Opium wars and Boxer wars and many other small mutinies, finally the Sin-hai revolution (1911), under the leadership of Dr Sun-yat-Sen, was successful and led to the decline of the week Manchu empire in China. The European powers like England, Germany and Russia were tempted to reach Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia due to their enormous oil resources.

        Most African provinces were soon occupied by European powers. The Dutch had already established the colonies in South Africa by the end of the 15th century. England and France established their colonies in Cape Province and Algeria in North Africa respectively. The king of Belgium, Leopold has seized the vast provinces of eastern Africa, the provinces of South Africa and establish his rule. France established her rule over Tunisia, Morocco and Western Africa. Germany established her rule over east-west Africa, and Italy has established her rule over the Red Sea Coast. 

        Due to such competition, Spain and Portugal also managed to get regional advantages. As the competition increased, a conference of European nations was held at Berlin. At the end of the conference different territories of Africa were divided among the nations of Europe. Thus, the colonial dominance of the European nations was established in the enter Africa and most of the nations of Asia.
